Hello, and thanks for checking out my website and for clicking on the "About Me" section. It's hard to summarize myself in a paragraph and I certainly do not like tooting my own horn, but in this case I guess I cannot get around the subject.
Well, what can I say about me? I am a very passionate and tenacious historical investigator and journalist. I strive to get to the oldest primary sources for all the subjects that I write about so that I can provide you, the reader, the most accurate information. This is of the utmost importance to me. It can take anywhere between several months to several years researching one subject just to make sure that the true history is told, so I go out of my way to make sure that I leave no stone unturned, especially when I am covering various stories or urban legends that have gained notoriety on other sites, in books and especially on television.
Let's just face it, most of the time "investigators" do not do the leg work to search for the truth. This leads to more misinformation being spread unecessarily and many times false stories being shared which in turn re-writes the history. That goes against everything I stand for as a historical researcher and journalist. Bottom line is that I am here to dig up the facts to share with you that real history that has been buried or forgotten. I hope you will follow me on my journey to tell these stories of the forgotten ones, accurately and respectfully.
- J'aime Rubio
Author of:
J'aime Rubio was born and raised in California. Besides being a mother of two, she is also an accomplished author and published journalist who has contributed her historical knowledge and investigative research to various newspapers and magazines in both California and Arizona.